Sunday, March 13, 2022

Tajuddin Becomes A Youtuber and Shares Bakencong

It has been a year since Tajuddin Noor Ganie has been active as a YouTuber. At first he was doubtful, to the point that he expressed his desire to Utuh Bakencong for mere discussion. This young man was surprised when he found out at that time.

There is quite a lot of content published by Tajuddin as a YouTuber. Everything is not far from the world in which they are involved. There are about poetry, short stories, novels, drama, and culture in general. However, not many subscribe to or subscribe to the channel. He was confused and sad. That's when he remembered Utuh Bakencong. Without further ado he called his friend and asked to come to his house.

Utuh Bakencong was happy to fulfill Tajuddin's request.

"What the hell did you ask me to be here for?" asked Utuh Bakencong curiously.

"I just wanted to talk."

"About what?"

"My activity as a YouTuber."

"That's fine. What's the problem with YouTube?"

"Look, as you know, I've been active on YouTube for a year. I've published a lot of content, but very few people have subscribed to my channel."

"Oh the Trisakti Diamond?"

"So true"

The two of them continued to discuss until Utuh Bakencong was confused. Because all the ideas he proposed could not be implemented by Mr. Tajuddin. For example, the idea of ​​creating content for traveling from one city to another is too heavy because it requires a lot of funds. Other ideas, such as making short films with other writers also need big funds.

Instead of getting caught up in the disquieting confusion, they distract themselves by enjoying the delicious torn cake dipped in tea water. And, it doesn't feel like it's already noon. Utuh Bakencong, who did have a schedule to leave for Kapuas this afternoon, was forced to leave Tajuddin without a satisfactory outcome of the discussion. (MJA).

Watch the short film of this series in the following video.